Listen to the silence,` said Margarita to tlhe master, the sandrustling under her bare feet. ` Listen to the silence and enjoy it. Here isthe peace that you never knew in your lifetime. Look, there is your home forclimbing vine which grows right up to the roof. It`s your home, your homeeternity, which is your reward. I can already see a Venetian window and afor ever. In the evenings people will come to see you--people who interestsleep with your dirty old cap on, you shall go to sleep with a smile on youryou, people who will never upset you. They will play to you and sing to you and you will see how beautiful the room is by candlelight. You shall go to lips. Sleep will give you strength and make you wise. And you can never sendme away-- I shall watch over your sleep.`
Так мне представляется вечный дом Мастера и Марагриты .... на современный манер. Также, именно этот дом, я бы выбрала из 1000чи других...
It is :) That is how I picture the eternal house of Master and Margarita (